welcome to ~uratan.

    - Sun Dec 15 22:33:25 JST 2024 -

You are the 32nd person who visit here!
(if you tell me that you came here, I will increase the number :)

Junk columns by me
* recommendation of use of md5 sum
* my winter life with the HIBACHI
* Packets Across the Pacific Ocean ... Memories of my bigNEWS
* govern IrfanView thru i_view32.ini
* Secret of a cigaret
* Why my room is full of dust ?
* How to solder 0.5mm pitch QFP
* Do use vim
* try X-MOUSE on Windows
* Be conscious of the 'Cycle' in the software

Misc about FreeBSD
* sleeping FreeBSD server (just before 4th Generation)
* Still like 'pnmscale'
* about sub-second timestamp on FFS
* make backup of CF-J10V by FreeBSD
* boot process of FreeBSD/i386
* make backup of CF-R5 by FreeBSD

Roughride wild microcomputers
µcomJOCKEY just begun

Enjoy WS2812B with LPC810
      check it
misc logic signal tricks by LPC810   (2016.9.4)

Xplorer ... will it be next target ?
play with it

vgaC - make your PC as a plain display
  I will    

* freecell game collection
* power consumption amount investigation
* drive pattern of some motor driver
* remote-controller IR signals

Fuji-san !

Collection of C code syntax highlightings
Which color C code is your C code at which you are looking ?

Utilities for HONEY BEE (KYOCERA PHS WX331K)
* see here

Snow country..., I wish to be there...



a report has been made.

Try this.
This is ArmUZK, UZK on NXP LPC214x.
... was supposed to take over by this (2023.6.9)

I've got one more strange globe.

Let's go to see windmills in Hokkaido


Here is UZK, a USB keyboard/mouse extender
an extra one by MINI EZ-USB ... ofuroc (2010.9.10)
and a JTAG-writer for Xilinx devices is here (2005.1.13)
and an experiment for USB audio is here (2005.9.19)

Kawasaki, ZZ-R600
was my motorcycle. you can see the history of my ZZ-Rs.

ZZ-R600 (2021.9.07)        

Do you know "XENON-80" ?
click the picture, you can see big sized one.

XENON-80 is Z-80A based hand-made microcomputer.                   Do you see more ?

Please solve my question
I had found *experimentally* that
there are difference about the handling of "CTS"
in Intel i8251A and NEC uPD8251A.

  if "CTS (Clear To Send)" negation is occurred while sending,
  Intel i8251A *re*-send the data automatically *again*
  after next "CTS" assertion.
Is this specification of Intel i8251A ?

!= ?

(2007.3.27)  I've got both 8251 datasheet from Alldatasheet.com and found a hint !

Who is he ?
  (Copyright by LiveArt ? thanks)
it was me, about 40 years ago.

    uratan@miomio.jp     (please add "[~uratan]" on the Subject)