 * project "vgaC"
 *   by uratan! 2012.4.23
 * index
 *  FreeBSD vidcontrol

 *   +----+       USB1.1
 *   | PC |-------+  MassStorageClass     PhotoMosRelay-+--> Power-SW
 *   +----+       |    (BBB, SCSI)           | (option) +--> Reset-SW
 *         +-----------------------------------------+
 *         |     usb       NXP LPC2148     gpio      |    core:    36MHz
 *         | aout   pwm       gpio              eint | peripheral: 36MHz
 *         +-----------------------------------------+
 *            |      |18MHz    |                 ^
 *            |      |         | res,cs,rw       | EINT
 *            |      |         v data,strobe     |
 *            |      |  +----------------------------------------+
 *            |      |  | +---------------+  +-----------------+ |
 *            |      V  | | bus sequencer |  | intr controller | |
 *            |    +----+ +---------------+  +-----------------+ |
 *   osc      |    | +-----+           |                      ^  |
 *    24MHz --|--->| | DCM |-> 126MHz  |    +---------------+ |  |
 *   (option) |    | +-----+           +----| dual port RAM | |  |
 *            |    |                   |    +------8kB/24kB-+ |  |
 *            |    |      Xilinx       |              |       |  |
 *            |    |     XC3S50/200    |         +-------------+ |
 *            |    |                   |         |             | |
 *            |    |    +-----------+--+---------|  capture    | |
 *            |    |    |           |            |    control  | |
 *            |    | +------+  +--------------+  |       unit  | |
 *            |    | | bias |  | measure unit |  |             | |
 *            |    | +------+  +--------------+  +-------------+ |
 *            |    +---------------------------------------------+
 *            |        |(option)     ^              ^
 *            +----o o-+             | VS,HS        | R,G,B (1+1+1bit)
 *                 |              +--------------------+
 *                 +------------->|   analog circuit   |
 *                      BIAS      +--------------------+
 *                                          ^          (720x400@70Hz)
 *                                          | VGA      (640x480@60Hz)
 *                                    +-------------+ (1024x768@60Hz)
 *  (EDID ???)                        |  target PC  |
 *  (USB2.0 High-Speed ???)           +-------------+

 *   addr
 *    from    to    description
 *   --------------------------------------------------------------
 *   0x0000--0x001f registers
 *   0x0020--0x7fff images of registers
 *   0x8000--0x9fff capture memory (8k bytes)
 *   0xa000--0xffff images of memories
 *  (0x8000--0xdfff capture memory (24k bytes))
 *  (0xe000--0xffff images of memories)
 *   --------------------------------------------------------------

 *   addr rw width name       description                   [unit]
 *   --------------------------------------------------------------
 *   0x00  w  16  ADDR_H      address pointer
 *   0x01  w      ADDR_L
 *   0x02 r    8  VERSION     fpga version
 *   0x03 rw   8  BIAS        bias outpout for analog (option)
 *   0x04 rw  bw  I_SENSE     interrupt sense
 *   0x05 rw  bw  I_ENABLE    interrupt enable
 *   0x06 r   bw  VGA_STAT    raw vga signal
 *   0x07 r   bw  SYNC_STAT   vsync/hsync status
 *   --------------------------------------------------------------
 *   0x08 r    8  V_PERIOD_H  period of vsync            [0.1msec]
 *   0x09 r       V_PERIOD_L
`ifdef CK126MHz
 *   0x0a r    9  H_PERIOD_H  period of hsync            [0.103usec]
 *   0x0b r       H_PERIOD_L
`else /* CK126MHz */
 *   0x0a r    9  H_PERIOD_H  period of hsync            [0.1usec]
 *   0x0b r       H_PERIOD_L
`endif /* CK126MHz */
 *   0x0c r   11  CUR_LINE_H  current line number
 *   0x0d r       CUR_LINE_L
 *   0x0e r   11  MAX_LINE_H  max line number
 *   0x0f r       MAX_LINE_L
 *   --------------------------------------------------------------
`ifdef CK126MHz
 *   0x10 rw  13  C_DELAY_H   capture delay from hsync    [7.9nsec]
 *   0x11 rw      C_DELAY_L
`else /* CK126MHz */
 *   0x10 rw  12  C_DELAY_H   capture delay from hsync    [10nsec]
 *   0x11 rw      C_DELAY_L
`endif /* CK126MHz */
 *   0x12 rw  11  C_N_DOTS_H  number of capture pixels
 *   0x13 rw      C_N_DOTS_L
 *   0x14 rw  11  C_N_LINES_H number of capture lines
 *   0x15 rw      C_N_LINES_L
 *   0x16 rw  11  C_TARGET_H  capture target line number
 *   0x17 rw      C_TARGET_L
 *   --------------------------------------------------------------
 *   0x18 rw  bw  C_OPTIONS   capture options
 *   0x19 rw  bw  C_EXEC      execute capture
 *   0x1a rw
 *   0x1b rw  bw  TEST        test mode, monitor select
 *   0x1c r   16  C_BUFSIZE_H capture buffer size           [byte]
 *   0x1d r       C_BUFSIZE_L
 *   0x1e rw  16  (ABF_SIZ_H) buffer size of ARM firmware   [byte]
 *   0x1f rw      (ABF_SIZ_L)  (ARM write for memorandom)
 *   --------------------------------------------------------------
 *        (you may write (n-1) if you want ...)

 *   I_SENSE    +------+------+------+------++------+------+------+------+
 *              | bit7 | bit6 | bit5 | bit4 || bit3 | bit2 | bit1 | bit0 |
 *              +------+------+------+------++------+------+------+------+
 *              | REQ  |      |      |      ||      |      |      |      |
 *              +------+------+------+------++------+------+------+------+
 *                REQ:  0: no request
 *                      1: capture done (write 0 to clear)
 *   I_ENABLE   +------+------+------+------++------+------+------+------+
 *              | bit7 | bit6 | bit5 | bit4 || bit3 | bit2 | bit1 | bit0 |
 *              +------+------+------+------++------+------+------+------+
 *              | ENB  | POL  |      |      ||      |      |      |      |
 *              +------+------+------+------++------+------+------+------+
 *                ENB:  0: mask external INTR wire
 *                      1: enable external INTR wire
 *                POL:  0: INTR wire is low active
 *                      1: INTR wire is high active
 *   VGA_STAT   +------+------+------+------++------+------+------+------+
 *              | bit7 | bit6 | bit5 | bit4 || bit3 | bit2 | bit1 | bit0 |
 *              +------+------+------+------++------+------+------+------+
 *              | CK126|      | VSYN | HSYN ||      |  G   |  R   |  B   |
 *              +------+------+------+------++------+------+------+------+
 *                VSYN: raw vsync signal
 *                HSYN: raw hsync signal
 *                G:    raw green signal
 *                R:    raw red signal
 *                B:    raw blue signal
`ifdef CK126MHz
 *                CK126: 0: 100MHz
 *                       1: 126MHz
`endif /* CK126MHz */
 *   SYNC_STAT  +------+------+------+------++------+------+------+------+
 *              | bit7 | bit6 | bit5 | bit4 || bit3 | bit2 | bit1 | bit0 |
 *              +------+------+------+------++------+------+------+------+
 *              | VOVF | VTGL |      | VPOL || HOVF | HTGL |      | HPOL |
 *              +------+------+------+------++------+------+------+------+
 *                VOVF: 0: VSYNC may be correct
 *                      1: no VSYNC has come
 *                VTGL: x: toggle when VSYNC has come
 *                VPOL: 0: VSYNC input has positive polarity
 *                      1: VSYNC input has negative polarity
 *                HOVF: 0: HSYNC may be correct
 *                      1: no HSYNC has come
 *                HTGL: x: toggle when HSYNC has come
 *                HPOL: 0: HSYNC input has positive polarity
 *                      1: HSYNC input has negative polarity
 *   C_OPTIONS  +------+------+------+------++------+------+------+------+
 *              | bit7 | bit6 | bit5 | bit4 || bit3 | bit2 | bit1 | bit0 |
 *              +------+------+------+------++------+------+------+------+
 *              | DBL  | SIDE |     MOD     ||      |        PACK        |
 *              +------+------+------+------++------+------+------+------+
 *              //DBL:  0: single buffer mode (sideA + sideB)
 *              //      1: double buffer mode, SIDE is valid
 *              //SIDE: 0: store into memory sideA
 *              //      1: store into memory sideB
`ifdef CK126MHz
 *                MOD:  0: sample rate  63MHz (126MHz/2)
 *                      1: sample rate  42MHz (126MHz/3)
 *                      2: sample rate  32MHz (126MHz/4)
 *                      3: sample rate  25MHz (126MHz/5)
`else /* CK126MHz */
 *                MOD:  0: sample rate 100MHz (100MHz/1)
 *                      1: sample rate  50MHz (100MHz/2)
 *                      2: sample rate  33MHz (100MHz/3)
 *                      3: sample rate  25MHz (100MHz/4)
`endif /* CK126MHz */
 *                PACK: 0: store 1 pixel / byte (8'b1000_0grb)
 *                      1: pack 2 pixels / byte (8'b1grb_0grb)
 *                      2: pack 8 pixels / byte (g only)
 *                      3: pack 8 pixels / byte (r only)
 *                      4: pack 8 pixels / byte (b only)
 *                      5: pack 8 pixels / byte (g OR  r OR  b)
 *                      6: pack 8 pixels / byte (g AND r AND b)
 *                      7: pack 8 pixels / byte (g XOR r XOR b)
 *   C_EXEC     +------+------+------+------++------+------+------+------+
 *              | bit7 | bit6 | bit5 | bit4 || bit3 | bit2 | bit1 | bit0 |
 *              +------+------+------+------++------+------+------+------+
 *              | EXEC |      |      |      ||      |      |      |      |
 *              +------+------+------+------++------+------+------+------+
 *                EXEC: 1: start capture
 *                      0: finished / write 0 to terminate capture
 *   TEST       +------+------+------+------++------+------+------+------+
 *              | bit7 | bit6 | bit5 | bit4 || bit3 | bit2 | bit1 | bit0 |
 *              +------+------+------+------++------+------+------+------+
 *              | WP   | DFIL |      |      ||      |    MON_LED_SEL     |
 *              +------+------+------+------++------+------+------+------+
 *                WP:   0: capture unit can write to buffer
 *                      1: CPU can write buffer from bus
 *                DFIL  0: use VSYNC/HSYNC noise filter
 *                      1: disable it
 *                MON_LED_SEL: ... see top.v near 'sel_mon_led'

 *                           31.5kHz(31.7usec) / line
 *              |<---------------------------------------- ------->|
 *   HSYNC --+  +----------------------------------------- -----+  +--
 *           |  |                                               |  |
 *           +--+              |<->| dotclock:25MHz             +--+
 *              |              +---+   +---+   +---+   +--
 *              V              |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 *   R,G,B --------------------+   +---+   +---+   +---+   -----------
 *              |    C_DELAY      ||||||||| ... sample rate: 100MHz
 *              |---------------> VVVVVVVVV
 *   capture         [10ns]       ********* ... C_N_DOTS
 *              |              +---+   +---+   +---+   +--
 *              V              |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 *   R,G,B --------------------+   +---+   +---+   +---+   -----------
 *              |    C_DELAY      | | | | | | | | | | ... sample rate: 50MHz
 *              |---------------> V V V V V V V V V V
 *   capture         [10ns]       * * * * * * * * * * ... C_N_DOTS

 *   (signals below are once synced with CLK)
 * ***** WRITE BUS CYCLE ***************************************************
 *                               (100MHz)
 *   CLK   |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 *         V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V
 *         ---+                                                        +--
 *   RxW      |                                                        |
 *            +--*-----------------------------------------------------+
 *               |
 *         ------+                                                  +-----
 *   xCS         |                                                  |
 *               +--------------------------------------------------+
 *               |
 *         ---------+        +--*--+           *--*-----+     +--*--------
 *   xSTRB       |  |        |  |  |           |  |     |     |  |
 *               |  +==*==*==*  |  +==*==*==*==*  |     +==*==*  |
 *               V     |  |  |  V     |  |  |  |  V        |  |  V
 *         ______  _____________  ________________  _____________  _______
 *   addr     x  ><      0      ><       1        ><     HL      ><  HL+1
 *  (internal)~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~
 *                     |  |  |        |  |  |  |           |  |
 *                   _________      ____________         ______
 *   DATA  ---------< addr-H  >----<   addr-L   >-------< Data >----------
 *                   ~~~~~~~~~      ~~~~~~~~~~~~         ~~~~~~
 *              fetch  |  |  |        |  |  |  |           |  |
 *                     V  V  V        V  V  V  V           V  V
 *                   [[ Internal Addr Registers ]]    [[ Target ]]
 * ***** READ BUS CYCLE ****************************************************
 *                               (100MHz)
 *   CLK   |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 *         V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V
 *         ---+--------------------------------------------------------+--
 *   RxW                       (keep high)
 *         ------+                                                  +-----
 *   xCS         |                                                  |
 *               +--------------------------------------------------+
 *               |                                                 |
 *         ---------+        +--*--+           +--*-----+     +--*--------
 *   xSTRB       |  |        |  |  |           |  |     |     |  | |
 *               |  +--------+  |  +-----------+  |     +-----+  | |
 *               |              V                 V              V |
 *         _____________________  ________________  _____________  _______
 *   addr          m            ><      m+1       ><     m+2     ><   m+3
 *  (internal)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~
 *               |              |                 |              | |
 *               V______________V ________________V _____________V V
 *   DATA  --z---<       A      ><       B        ><       C     ><>---z--
 *                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 *  examples when PACK==0
 *     -- 1 pixel captured ------------------------------------------
 *     0x8000  8'b1111_1111 - line header
 *     0x8001  8'b1000_0GRB - captured pixel
 *     -- 2 pixel captured ------------------------------------------
 *     0x8000  8'b1111_1111 - line header
 *     0x8001  8'b1000_0GRB - captured pixel
 *     0x8002  8'b1000_0GRB - captured pixel
 *     -- 3 pixel captured ------------------------------------------
 *     0x8000  8'b1111_1111 - line header
 *     0x8001  8'b1000_0GRB - captured pixel
 *     0x8002  8'b1000_0GRB - captured pixel
 *     0x8003  8'b1000_0GRB - captured pixel
 *     -- 16 pixel captured -----------------------------------------
 *     0x8000  8'b1111_1111 - line header
 *     0x8001  8'b1000_0GRB - captured pixel
 *     0x8002  8'b1000_0GRB - captured pixel
 *     0x8003  8'b1000_0GRB - captured pixel
 *       ...
 *     0x8010  8'b1000_0GRB - captured pixels
 *     --------------------------------------------------------------
 *  examples when PACK==1
 *     -- 1 pixel captured ------------------------------------------
 *     0x8000  8'b1111_1111 - line header
 *     0x8001  8'b1GRB_1111 - captured pixel
 *     -- 2 pixel captured ------------------------------------------
 *     0x8000  8'b1111_1111 - line header
 *     0x8001  8'b1GRB_0GRB - captured pixels
 *     -- 3 pixel captured ------------------------------------------
 *     0x8000  8'b1111_1111 - line header
 *     0x8001  8'b1GRB_0GRB - captured pixels
 *     0x8002  8'b1GRB_1111 - captured pixel
 *     -- 16 pixel captured -----------------------------------------
 *     0x8000  8'b1111_1111 - line header
 *     0x8001  8'b1GRB_0GRB - captured pixels
 *     0x8002  8'b1GRB_0GRB - captured pixels
 *       ...
 *     0x8008  8'b1GRB_0GRB - captured pixels
 *     --------------------------------------------------------------
 *  examples when PACK==2--7
 *     -- 1 pixel captured ------------------------------------------
 *     0x8000  8'b1111_1111 - line header
 *     0x8001  8'bP000_0000 - captured pixel
 *     -- 2 pixel captured ------------------------------------------
 *     0x8000  8'b1111_1111 - line header
 *     0x8001  8'bPP00_0000 - captured pixels
 *     -- 3 pixel captured ------------------------------------------
 *     0x8000  8'b1111_1111 - line header
 *     0x8001  8'bPPP0_0000 - captured pixels
 *     -- 16 pixel captured -----------------------------------------
 *     0x8000  8'b1111_1111 - line header
 *     0x8001  8'bPPPP_PPPP - captured pixels
 *     0x8002  8'bPPPP_PPPP - captured pixels
 *     --------------------------------------------------------------

 *               HSYNC    VSYNC   dotclock
 *   ----------+---------+------+-----------
 *    640x480  | 31.5kHz | 60Hz | 25.175MHz  <== (1)
 *             | 37.9kHz | 72Hz | 31.5MHz
 *             | 37.5kHz | 75Hz | 31.5MHz
 *   ----------+---------+------+-----------
 *    720x400  | 31.5kHz | 70Hz | 28.3MHz    <== (2)
 *   ----------+---------+------+-----------
 *    800x600  | 35.1kHz | 56Hz | 36.0MHz
 *             | 37.9kHz | 60Hz | 40.0MHz
 *             | 48.1kHz | 72Hz | 50.0MHz
 *             | 46.9kHz | 75Hz | 49.5MHz
 *   ----------+---------+------+-----------
 *    1024x768 | 48.4kHz | 60Hz | 65.0MHz    <== (3)
 *             | 56.5kHz | 70Hz | 75.0MHz
 *             | 60.0kHz | 75Hz | 78.75MHz
 *   ----------+---------+------+-----------
 *    1280x1024| 64.0kHz | 60Hz | 108.0MHz   <== (4)
 *             | 80.0kHz | 75Hz | 135.0MHz
 *   ----------+---------+------+-----------

 *   31.5kHz / 640Pixel ==> 20.2MB/s (single)
 *                      ==> 10.1MB/s (packed by 2)
 *                      ==>  2.5Mb/s (packed by 8)
 *   640x480 / 60Hz     ==> 18.4MB/s (single)
 *                      ==>  9.2MB/s (packed by 2)
 *                      ==>  2.3MB/s (packed by 8)
 *   USB1.1 / HID 64*1000 ==> 64kB/s
 *          / BBB         ==> 1MB/s
 *   640x480  ==> 307kB/frame (single)
 *            ==> 154kB/frame (packed by 2)
 *            ==>  38kB/frame (packed by 8)
 *   USB1.1 / HID ==> 4.8 [sec/frame] (single)
 *                ==> 2.4 [sec/frame] (packed by 2)
 *                ==> 1.7 [frame/sec] (packed by 8)
 *   USB1.1 / BBB ==>  3.3 [frame/sec] (single)
 *                ==>  6.5 [frame/sec] (packed by 2)
 *                ==> 26.0 [frame/sec] (packed by 8)

 *  taget:
 *    640x480  | 31.5kHz | 60Hz | 25.175MHz  <== (1)  near 25MHz
 *             | 37.9kHz | 72Hz | 31.5MHz             near 31.5MHz
 *    720x400  | 31.5kHz | 70Hz | 28.3MHz    <== (2)  near 28MHz
 *    1024x768 | 48.4kHz | 60Hz | 65.0MHz    <== (3)  near 65MHz
 *   (1280x1024| 64.0kHz | 60Hz | 108.0MHz   <== (4)  don't care)
 *   -------+-----------------------------------------------------------------
 *   base   |
 *    clock |      1/2--> 1/3--> 1/4--> 1/5--> 1/6--> 1/7--> 1/8
 *   -------+-----------------------------------------------------------------
 *   100MHz |                50.0                +33.3              +25.0
 *   110MHz |             55.0               36.7            +27.5
 *   120MHz |          +60.0            40.0          +30.0
 *   130MHz |        +65.0           43.3         +32.5         +26.0    <===!
 *   140MHz |     +70.0          46.7          35.0         +28.0
 *   150MHz |     75.0       50.0           37.5      +30.0         +25.0
 *   160MHz |    80.0      53.3         40.0       +32.0       +26.7
 *   170MHz |   85.0     56.7         42.5      34.0       +28.3
 *   180MHz |  90.0    +60.0       45.0       36.0    +30.0      +25.7
 *   190MHz | 95.0    +63.3    47.5       38.0      +31.7     +27.1
 *   200MHz |100.0  +66.7    50.0       40.0     +33.3    +28.6     +25.0
 *   -------+-----------------------------------------------------------------
 *   25.175MHz x 5 => 125.875MHz   (just!)
 *   31.500MHz x 4 => 126.000MHz   (just!)
 *                    126.000MHz / 2 => 63.000MHz (a little low)
 *   (higher clock -> over sample -> expand X width, larger data)
 *   (lower clock -> under sample -> shorten X width, smaller data)
 *     ==> a little low clock is better
 *    (in fact, I had sample width 720 as 640 with 25MHz)
 *     ====> I shall choice 126MHz

 *  fout = fin * M / N       (M: 2--32, N: 1--32)
 *   24MHz * 11/2 = 132MHz
 *   24MHz * xx/x = 130MHz  ... unselectable
 *   24MHz * 16/3 = 128MHz  ... 128/ 64/ 42.7/ 32/ 25.6
 *   24MHz * 21/4 = 126MHz  ... 126/ 63/ 42/  31.5/ 25.2   <=== THIS!
 *   24MHz * 25/6 = 100MHz  ...  100/  50/    33/   25
 *   24MHz * 11/4 =  66MHz
 *   24MHz *  8/3 =  64MHz
 *   24MHz * 21/8 =  63MHz
 *   24MHz * 31/12=  62MHz
 *   48MHz * 11/4 = 132MHz
 *   48MHz * xx/x = 130MHz  ... unselectable
 *   48MHz *  8/3 = 128MHz
 *   48MHz * 21/8 = 126MHz
 *   48MHz * 25/12= 100MHz
 *   48MHz * 11/8 =  66MHz
 *   48MHz *  4/3 =  64MHz
 *   48MHz * 21/16=  63MHz
 *   48MHz * 31/24=  62MHz
 *   18MHz * 22/3 = 132MHz
 *   18MHz *  x/x = 130MHz  ... unselectable
 *   18MHz *  x/x = 128MHz  ... unselectable
 *   18MHz *  7/1 = 126MHz
 *   18MHz *  x/x = 100MHz  ... unselectable
 *   18MHz * 11/3 =  66MHz
 *   18MHz *  x/x =  65MHz  ... unselectable
 *   18MHz * 32/9 =  64MHz
 *   18MHz *  7/2 =  63MHz
 *   18MHz * 31/9 =  62MHz

 * FreeBSD vidcontrol
 *  +-------------------------
 *  |% vidcontrol 80x30           ---> 640x480@60Hz
 *  |% vidcontrol VGA_80x30       ---> (same above)
 *  |% vidcontrol 80x25           ---> 720x400@70Hz
 *  |% vidcontrol VGA_80x25       ---> (same above)
 *  |% vidcontrol show            ---> show attribute examples
 *  +-------------------------

 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      |   0  |   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      | 0x00 |      |      |      |      |      |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      |   0  |   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      | 0x12 |      |      |      | ALen |      |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *               ALen: ALLOCATION LENGTH
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      |   0  |   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      | 0x03 |      |      |      | ALen |      |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *               ALen: ALLOCATION LENGTH
 *  CDB_VGAC_GET_INFO - get system / current VGA status, etc.
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      |   0  |   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |   6  |   7  |   8  |   9  |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      | 0xC0 |      |      |      |      |      |      |      | ALen |      |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *               ALen: ALLOCATION LENGTH
 *  CDB_VGAC_SET_BIAS - set BIAS of analog circuit
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      |   0  |   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |   6  |   7  |   8  |   9  |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      | 0xC1 |      | BIAS |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *               BIAS: value for BIAS (default is 0x00)
 *  CDB_VGAC_SET_OPTION - set capture option
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      |   0  |   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |   6  |   7  |   8  |   9  |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      | 0xC2 |      | OPT  |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *               OPT: value for C_OPTIONS (default is 0x20)
 *  CDB_VGAC_CAPTURE - execute capture action
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      |   0  |   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |   6  |   7  |   8  |   9  |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      | 0xC3 | DBUF |   C_DELAY   |  C_N_DOTS   |  C_N_LINES  | C_TARGET_L  |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *               DBUF: 0x00: normal (return data after capture)
 *                     0x01: double buffered (return previous data + start new)
 *               see top of returned data
 *                 0xFF: shall have correct capture data
 *                 0xEE: buffer overflow, data lost
 *                 0xAA: capture failed, shall have vgac info's
 *                 0x00: buffer NULL (when first use of DBUF mode)
 *  CDB_VGAC_READ_BUFF - simply return LPC's buffer (for test)
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      |   0  |   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |   6  |   7  |   8  |   9  |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      | 0xC4 |      |   offset    |   length    |      |      |      |      |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *               offset: ignored
 *  CDB_VGAC_WRITE_BUFF - simply write to LPC's buffer (for test)
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      |   0  |   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |   6  |   7  |   8  |   9  |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      | 0xC5 |      |   offset    |   length    |      |      |      |      |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *               offset: ignored
 *  CDB_VGAC_GET_PMR_STATE - get state of (optional) PMRs
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      |   0  |   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |   6  |   7  |   8  |   9  |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      | 0xC6 |      |      |      |      |      |      |      | ALen |      |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *               ALen: ALLOCATION LENGTH
 *  CDB_VGAC_PMR_CONTROL - control (optional) PMRs
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      |   0  |   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |   6  |   7  |   8  |   9  |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      | 0xC7 |      | PMR# |on/off|      |      |      |      |      |      |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *                            1:on  0:off
 *  CDB_FUPDATE_ERASE - erase sub area of flash
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      |   0  |   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |   6  |   7  |   8  |   9  |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      | 0xD0 |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *  CDB_FUPDATE_WRITE - write to sub area of flash
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      |   0  |   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |   6  |   7  |   8  |   9  |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      | 0xD1 |      |      |      |   length    |      |      |      |      |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *  CDB_FUPDATE_REBOOT - copy codes on sub area to master, then reboot
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      |   0  |   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |   6  |   7  |   8  |   9  |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
 *      | 0xD2 |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
 *      +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+